


2014-06-06 17:54作者:下载吧


Name "BgImage.dll test"

OutFile "BgImage Test.exe"

XPStyle on

!define DEBUG
!macro GetReturnValue
!ifdef DEBUG
 Pop $R9
 StrCmp $R9 success +2
  DetailPrint "Error: $R9"

Function .onGUIInit
 # the plugins dir is automatically deleted when the installer exits
 # lets extract some bitmaps...
 File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR1.bmp "${NSISDIR}ContribGraphicsWizardllama.bmp"
 File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR2.bmp "${NSISDIR}ContribGraphicsChecksmodern.bmp"

!ifdef DEBUG
 # turn return values on if in debug mode
 BgImage::SetReturn on

 # set the initial background for images to be drawn on
 # we will use a gradient from drak green to dark red
 BgImage::SetBg /GRADIENT 0 0x80 0 0x80 0 0
 !insertmacro GetReturnValue
 # add an image @ (150,0)
 BgImage::AddImage $PLUGINSDIR2.bmp 150 0
 !insertmacro GetReturnValue
 # add the same image only transparent (magenta wiped) @ (150,16)
 BgImage::AddImage /TRANSPARENT 255 0 255 $PLUGINSDIR2.bmp 150 16
 !insertmacro GetReturnValue
 # create the font for the following text
 CreateFont $R0 "Comic Sans MS" 50 700
 # add a blue shadow for the text
 BgImage::AddText "Testing 1... 2... 3..." $R0 0 0 255 48 48 798 198
 !insertmacro GetReturnValue
 # add a green shadow for the text
 BgImage::AddText "Testing 1... 2... 3..." $R0 0 255 0 52 52 802 202
 !insertmacro GetReturnValue
 # add the text
 BgImage::AddText "Testing 1... 2... 3..." $R0 255 0 0 50 50 800 200
 !insertmacro GetReturnValue
 # show our creation to the world!
 # Refresh doesn't return any value

ShowInstDetails show

 # play some sounds
 FindFirst $0 $1 $WINDIRMedia*.wav
 StrCmp $0 "" skipSound
  StrCmp $1 "" noMoreSounds
   BgImage::Sound /WAIT $WINDIRMedia$1
   # Sound doesn't return any value either
   MessageBox MB_YESNO "Another sound?" IDNO noMoreSounds
    FindNext $0 $1
    Goto moreSounds

  FindClose $0

 # change the background image to Mike, tiled
 BgImage::SetBg /TILED $PLUGINSDIR1.bmp
 !insertmacro GetReturnValue
 # we have to redraw to reflect the changes

 MessageBox MB_OK "Mike the llama"

 # clear everything
 # Clear doesn't return any value
 # set another gradient
 BgImage::SetBg /GRADIENT 0xFF 0xFA 0xBA 0xAA 0xA5 0x65
 !insertmacro GetReturnValue
 # add some text
 BgImage::AddText "A Desert for Mike" $R0 0 0 0 50 50 800 150
 !insertmacro GetReturnValue
 # add mike as an image
 BgImage::AddImage $PLUGINSDIR1.bmp 50 150
 !insertmacro GetReturnValue
 # again, we have to call redraw to reflect changes

Function .onGUIEnd
 # Destroy doesn't return any value

